Arland News and Upcoming Events
The video for the September 15 Sunday worship service may be found below.
Be sure to click "unmute" for the audio.
Fun & Games at the Sunday School Kick-off & Church Picnic
WELCA will be collecting items for local schools during August and for Benjamin House during September. Donations may be left in the baskets located by the guest book podium. Non-perishable items for the Prairie Farm Food Pantry are collected all year and may be left in the grocery cart near the guest book podium. THANK YOU for your continued support!!
School Supply list: wide ruled notebooks, glue sticks, 2 1/2" erasers, 30 centimeter ruler, pencil sharpeners, highlighters, #2 pencils (unsharpened), 24 pack crayons, colored pencils, pens (blue or black), blunt point scissors.
Benjamin House list: Cleaning supplies, paper towels, laundry soap / bleach, lunchbox items, small garbage baskets, toilet tissue, personal hygiene products, bottled water / lemonade, shower caddies, boxes of kleenex
Prairie Farm Food Pantry: Canned goods, crackers, cake mixes, pasta / rice mix, cereal, applesauce, rice cakes, granola bars
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - WELCA Cookie Walk.......9:00 AM Saturday, December 7, 2024