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About First Lutheran of Arland

Our congregation of believers on this hill outside of Arland is evidence that God's Church is still alive and well in rural Wisconsin where agriculture is predominant.  We have a family of God that loves Jesus as we continue to enjoy meeting each Sunday morning (and sometimes on Saturday evening in the summer) for worship, fellowship and refreshments afterward.


First Lutheran of Arland welcomes all to experience the love of Jesus Christ so that His life inside of each of us will be noticed throughout the week wherever we are in our work and associations in the many communities we represent and the ministries to those we reach out to.


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life."  John 3:16 NRSV

About Pastor Tim

As pastor, I am a genuine Wisconsin native, having been born in Duluth, Minnesota, when my father, Rev. Ole Vettrus, was pastor in Superior, Wisconsin, in the early 1950's.  When I was very young we moved on Christmas Eve to the parsonage in Colfax of Bethany Lutheran Church (1954), where my folks lived the rest of their lives.


I graduated from the UW-Eau Claire with a BS degree in Communication Disorders, but went on to seminary after marrying a  college classmate.  Before coming to First Lutheran of Arland, I have always served dual rural congregations, in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Clearbrook, Minnesota, Lake Mills, Iowa, and Mondovi, Wisconsin (actually Gilmanton & Eleva area).  I have 7 adult children and blessed with 5 grandchildren from my 2 oldest daughters and my middle son, who all live scattered over the Midwest and other parts of the East.


Besides reading and camping and just visiting with everyone I meet, I enjoy owning a number of collector vehicles, including a 1940 Ford Deluxe that I bought in 1969 from the original family that bought it new in Colfax and also a lovely 1978 Ford Thunderbird, which I like to bring to car shows.  I enjoy the friendliness of our congregation and so will you!



715-455-1936 - Parsonage

Our Church Council


President // Dave Rassbach // 715-455-1037 //

Vice President //Sam Millerman // 715-205-5302 //

Secretary // Vickie Bown // 715-455-1562 //

Treasurer // Leandra Severson // 715-418- 9568 //


President // Cindi Nelson // 715-455-1950

Vice President // Sharon Bringman // 715-357-3384

Secretary // Linda Thuftin // 715-357-3481

Treasurer // Barb Nickell//715-491-8625

The First Lutheran of Arland WELCA meets the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are at 1 PM at the church. We generally have between 7-10 women at the meeting where we discuss events and take care of financial business. The ladies group has two major fundraisers each year. In September we have our "Fall Auction" where we have a bake sale, dinner, and auction. In December we have a "Cookie Walk" where we sell Christmas cookies and specialty baked goods. 


Other Groups that the WELCA Support Include:

  • Benjamin's House

  • Luther Park Bible Camp

  • Lutheran Social Services

  • Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief

  • School Kits for Lutheran World Relief

  • Local Disaster Relief

  • Local Benefit Volunteering

  • Transportation Assistance for Those in Need​

  • Overseas Mission Funding

  • Ridgeland and Prairie Farm Food Pantry Donations

Mission Statement

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